News and Commentary, Pattison's Perspectives, Videos

“Edgy” Christian Fiction.

Me when I find profanity in the Christian fiction I’m reading.

News and Commentary, Quotes


While reading The Voluntaryist Handbook, I came across this excerpt from Joseph Sobran summarizing what Hans-Hermann Hoppe believes is the eventual conclusion of all governments (regardless of good intentions), and accurately describes the current situation we’re in—which is why I personally believe we have reached the end of this once great nation.

“Hans argued that no constitution could restrain the state. Once its monopoly of force was granted legitimacy, constitutional limits became mere fictions it could disregard; nobody could have the legal standing to enforce those limits. The state itself would decide, by force, what the constitution ‘meant,‘ steadily ruling in its own favor and increasing its own power. This was true a priori, and American history bore it out.

News and Commentary, Reviews

Donald Jeffries’ New Book.

The great Donald Jeffries has just released his latest book.

I can vouch for the quality of Jeffries’ work. You will not be disappointed.

Excerpts from his Substack announcement:

Masking the Truth: How COVID-19 Destroyed Civil Liberties and Shut Down the World exposes what I call the Greatest Psyop in the History of the World. I chronicle the narrative from its very beginning, with all its disinformation and misinformation. Everything is thoroughly sourced. . . . You will be reminded of things you’ve probably forgotten, amid all the authoritarian madness. As most of you know, it all became personal for me when this psyop took the life of my brother in January 2020, because of the deadly hospital COVID ‘protocol.’ That’s when I determined to finish this book, which I’d started and put aside in favor of other projects. I dedicated the book to him, and to the other untold numbers of people who were murdered by a corrupt system.”

I just placed my order. Don’t delay, order this important book today.