News and Commentary, Quotes


While reading The Voluntaryist Handbook, I came across this excerpt from Joseph Sobran summarizing what Hans-Hermann Hoppe believes is the eventual conclusion of all governments (regardless of good intentions), and accurately describes the current situation we’re in—which is why I personally believe we have reached the end of this once great nation.

“Hans argued that no constitution could restrain the state. Once its monopoly of force was granted legitimacy, constitutional limits became mere fictions it could disregard; nobody could have the legal standing to enforce those limits. The state itself would decide, by force, what the constitution ‘meant,‘ steadily ruling in its own favor and increasing its own power. This was true a priori, and American history bore it out.

Waking the Proles

25 Facts About Lee Harvey Oswald You Were Never Told About.

October 18, 2019, would have been Lee Harvey Oswald’s 80th birthday. To mark the occasion, here are 25 facts you were never told about this mysterious man.


1). Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, Lee Harvey Oswald was the fifth cousin (five times removed) of Confederate General, Robert E. Lee. In Fact, Lee Harvey Oswald’s father’s name was Robert E. Lee Oswald Senior.


2). As a teenager, Lee Harvey Oswald was a fan of the TV show, I Led Three Lives. The show ran from 1953 to 1956 and is described as, “An advertising executive poses as a Communist agent but secretly reports to the FBI.”

3). Enlisting with the Marines in 1956, Oswald eventually obtained top secret security clearance and was stationed at the American U2 radar base in Atsugi, Japan where he monitored radar for American spy planes.


4). Oswald defected to Russia — America’s Cold War enemy at the time — in October of 1959 where he renounced his American citizenship.

(Those who believe Oswald killed President John F. Kennedy point to this defection as proof that Oswald was a communist, whereas those critical of the official story about Oswald’s involvement in the assassination point to this as one of Oswald’s covers as a U.S. intelligence agent in order to appear as a communist sympathizer. In the intelligence community this is commonly referred to as “sheep dipping.”)

5). Almost two years after defecting, Oswald typed a letter to the American Embassy on August 08, 1961, about returning to America. Strangely, he wrote in that letter, “I believe I could catch a military hop back to the States, from Berlin.”

Catching a ride on an American military plane would be an outlandish suggestion from someone that defected to America’s Cold War enemy and renounced his American citizenship, but not as outlandish as America’s response: the U.S. State Department actually loaned Oswald (a supposed enemy defector) $435.71 so he could fly back to America.

6). Oswald was (miraculously) not arrested upon his return and his new Russian wife, Marina, was also allowed into the country without reservation.


7). Oswald continued to present himself as a Marxist, while simultaneously becoming friends with avowed anti-communists such as Guy Banister (former FBI), David Ferrie (Civil Air Patrol and involved in CIA military training for anti-Castro exiles), and Clay Shaw (businessman and CIA informant).

8). Another one of Oswald’s anti-communist friends was European émigré, George de Mohrenschildt, a petroleum geologist who just happened to also be friends with CIA employee, George H.W. Bush. Yes, the same George H.W. Bush who would later become CIA director and the 41st president of the United States (and who claimed he couldn’t remember where he was the day JFK was assassinated).

Continue reading here.


Quotes: Similarities you can’t ignore.

“With the passage of time the difference between life in the Soviet Union in the 20th century and life in the Western world today is disappearing. Today, the journalist Julian Assange is undergoing the same kind of state terror and torture as any Soviet dissident, if not worse. The Western media is as controlled as the Soviet media, with print, TV, and public radio serving as a propaganda ministry for government and the interest groups that control government. Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter are systematically denying their platforms to those who express views not supportive of the ruling order and its agendas. It has turned out to be easy to get rid of the First Amendment guarantee of free speech, as the media have neither the ability nor the intention of exercising it.”

Paul Craig Roberts